Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Reviews
Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal
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Submission Last Date
- 15-08-2023
Research Article:
Complete manuscript should be prepared in Times New Roman and with font size 12 and title with size 16 with uppercase letters. All section titles in the manuscript shall be in font size 14, bold face capitals. Subtitles in each section shall be in font size 12, bold upper lower case.
- Manuscript must be original and should not have been published previously anywhere.
- Authors should follow the manuscript format of the journal.
- Manuscript must be written in English using MS-Word.
- Only "Times New Roman" font should be used.
- Manuscript should contain a maximum of 9 pages. Additional pages will incur a cost of 500/- per page.
- The maximum number of allowed authors is four.
- Title Page
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Conclusion
- References
- Title and Authors Details
- Format: Author(s) (surname initials), Title of article, Name of journal, Year; Vol (issue): page no., Books and Other Monographs
- Formulas and Equations
- Correcting Proofs and Reprints
- Volume-1
- Volume-2
- Volume-3
- Volume-4
- Volume-5